This list is just a selection of the chemistry ebooks available. These and many more are all available via iDiscover. For an up to date list of all ebooks that we  own permanently, please visit the ebooks@cambridge LibGuide​​​​​​.

Please see our Reading Lists website to see reading lists online for NST Chemistry, whether the books are in print or electronic format.

Oxford Chemistry Primers: The most recent editions of Oxford Chemistry Primers are now available through Science Trove. The titles can also be individually accessed via iDiscover


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List of ebooks

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RSC Tutorial Chemistry Texts series


Online reference works

All of these works can be accessed via iDiscover and accessed off-campus using your Raven password where prompted for it unless stated otherwise:

In addition, Oxford Reference Online brings together many of Oxford University Press's most popular reference titles, including subject and concise/pocket language dictionaries, into a single, cross-searchable, collection, making it a unique tool for reference enquiries. The collection includes 46 titles covering science and technology. A list of titles arranged alphabetically can be viewed here.