Please watch our lovely 3.5 minute video (many thanks to Photography & Reprographics!) which will give you a good idea of how the physical library space is organised and what facilities are available.

Please see also this 360 degree image of the library (click on the 'Explore 360' link and use the arrows to view and move around the space, and click on the 'i' buttons for further information).


Library Floorplan

We've created a floorplan with annotations and a key identifying the various resources available in the library space. A PDF version is available here. An interactive online version can be found here (hover over sections of the library or click on the cursor icons to find out more).



Visit our Assistive resources web page details of the many assistive resources and services available to anyone wanting to use the Chemistry Library.



Use this tool to identify and locate spaces around Cambridge where you can study (including libraries). You can choose whether you want to work alone or with others, as well as the atmosphere (e.g. social, disciplined, modern, historic), noise levels and what facilities are available (e.g. food & drink allowed, large desks, wifi, induction loops, bike racks and many more!). You can even specify your current location to find the nearest space suitable for you.