On this page:
- Overview
- Chemistry Library orientation for NST Chemistry Part IB, Part II and Part III undergraduates
- Training for new Chemistry Postgraduate students
- Training for Chemistry PDRAs
- Other sources of research and related skills training
Most Chemistry Library induction and training courses are also listed on the Cambridge University Libraries Training section of the University Training Booking System. Cambridge University Libraries provide a growing collection of training, resources and workshops available to all members of the University.
All other sessions are advertised with details of how to book places.
Chemistry Library orientation for NST Chemistry Part IB, Part II and Part III undergraduates
Michaelmas term 2024-25
A brief overview of the Chemistry Library and Cambridge University Libraries is available on your Moodle course. Library staff are always happy to arrange small-group or one-to-one sessions on finding your way around the print collections of Chemistry and other libraries and practicalities of borrowing within and outside Cambridge, as well as accessing subscribed electronic resources. Please contact us via email to arrange a time, or call into the Library Office.
Training for new Chemistry postgraduate students
Michaelmas term 2024-25
All new postgraduate students are invited to book onto a Chemistry Library Orientation session. This compulsory session covers finding your way around the print collections of the Chemistry and other libraries and practicalities of borrowing within and outside Cambridge, as well as accessing subscribed electronic resources. There are a range times scheduled in the week commencing October 14 2024.
Training throughout the academic year
The Training for Chemistry Postgraduates LibGuide has been curated especially for Chemistry Postgraduate students to cover information and training on: copyright; conference posters; depositing e-theses; note-taking; open access; peer review; presentation skills; referencing; and systematic reviews, for you to work through at your own pace.
The Library promotes upcoming research skills training sessions for Chemistry postgraduates throughout the year.
Training for Chemistry PDRAs
All new researchers to the department are invited to attend one of the monthly researcher inductions during which you will meet the Librarian and be given an overview of the Chemistry Library and its services. PDRAs are also welcome to access the information and training on the Training for Chemistry Postgraduates LibGuide as the content is relevant to researchers and academics as an introduction or refresher, especially for those new to Cambridge.
The Library promotes upcoming research skills training sessions relevant to Chemistry researchers throughout the year.
Other sources of research and related skills training
Please visit our Research skills website for more information.