Recommendations from members of the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry (including undergraduates studying Chemistry) for resources to be purchased by the Chemistry Library or the University Library are welcome at any time.
On this page:
- How to recommend a book or ebook
- Recent book acquisitions
- How to recommend an ejournal
- How to recommend a database or other eresource
How to recommend a book or ebook for purchase by the Chemistry Library
Please email library@ch.cam.ac.uk, giving all the relevant bibliographic details of the book (including author, title, ISBN, publisher, price) as well as your name and contact details, and a brief summary of why you feel that the book or ebook would be a valuable addition to the library's collections, and who it would be relevant for.
Recommendations for books or ebooks published by Cambridge University Press are always particularly welcome since the library receives an annual allocation from them to spend on them.
How recommendations are evaluated
Recommendations are evaluated by a Book Review Panel of (usually three) academic representatives from a relevant RIG. A copy of the book (or other information about it) is circulated to the panel and the representatives give their comments on whether they consider it to be suitable for purchase for the Library. If it is considered suitable, the Librarian purchases the book. If it is not considered suitable, the Librarian lets the recommender know.
Do you need a copy of a printed book for use in your lab or office?
We can order it on your behalf from our usual supplier and charge it to your grant/ledger code, or you can purchase it yourself via the Blackwells Marketplace on the University Finance System (iProc). We also have access to other suppliers. Discounts may apply. Please ask us for more information and instructions if you would like to do this.
Document Supply service via the British Library - for book loans, chapters and articles
If just borrowing the entire hard copy of a book, or having a scanned PDF of one chapter from a book or one article from a journal issue would suffice, then it may be possible to supply this via our Document Supply account with the British Library. Please visit our Request items not held in Cambridge website for further information.
Recent book acquisitions at the Chemistry Library
Acquisitions May 2023 to November 2023
Acquisitions February 2023 to May 2023
Acquisitions November 2022 to February 2023.
How to recommend an ejournal for purchase by the University
Cambridge libraries contribute to a central fund, the Journals Coordination Scheme (JCS), which is used to purchase ejournals that are then made accessible throughout the University. Recommendations from the Chemistry Department are evaluated by librarians and academics from Departments in the School of Physical Sciences on behalf of their library users. Only online journals are generally considered for purchase.
Recommendations to the JCS can be submitted by individual members of the University or by a library on their behalf.
To recommend a journal via the Chemistry Library
Please email us with a short statement of justification for the new purchase (e.g. quality of content, what research or teaching interests would it support, and for how many people - please get their comments too) and a link to the journal website.
To recommend a journal yourself
Please complete this online form.
How to recommend a database or other eresource for purchase by the University
The University Library manages a central fund for the purchase of databases that are then made available throughout the University. Recommendations are regularly evaluated by the Accessions Committee.
Recommendations to the Accessions Committee can be submitted by individual members of the University or by a library on their behalf.
To recommend an eresource via the Chemistry Library
Please email us with a short statement of justification for the new purchase (e.g. quality of content, what research or teaching interests would it support, and for how many people - please get their comments too) and a link to the eresource website.
It might be possible to arrange trial access to an eresource for a limited period of time in order to evaluate it for purchase. Please ask us if you would like to do this.
To recommend an eresource yourself
Please complete this online form.