Persistent unique identifiers are used to distinguish you from every other researcher, to ensure that you are credited for your work and avoid confusion. They also save a lot of time when searching for authors with similar names. They are used in a variety of places and can increasingly be linked to other identifiers and tools that help you manage your research.



  • Used in citation databases and altmetrics

  • Link to other identifiers e.g. Scopus, LinkedIn, arXiv

  • Travels with you throughout your career

  • Required by publishers, repositories and funders

  • Free to register and create your own profile


The Research Information Office SharePoint site, Your profile section, provides instructions on how to link your Elements account to your ORCiD and any other research identifiers you use so you can allow Elements to find and automatically claim your publications for you, including arXiv, Dimensions, figshare, ResearcherID (Web of Science) and Scopus ID.

You can search Web of Science and Scopus citation databases for authors by their author ID as well as their ORCiD.

How to find an author's ORCiD

Use the search bar at top of the ORCiD website home page (make sure that 'The ORCiD Registry' button is selected). You can also try Google and citation databases.

Further information

Watch this video A Quick Tour of the ORCID record which will quickly walk you through how to reset your password, add your place of employment, add academic credentials, use the Search & Link wizard to add publications.

A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record from ORCID on Vimeo.