What is text mining, how does it work and why is it useful? 

This article will help you understand the basics in just a few minutes. 


LibGuide on Text & Data Mining (TDM)

The aim of this guide is to make a start towards exposing the breadth of content (mostly library-subscribed) that may be of potential exploitation by Cambridge researchers wanting to use the techniques of text and data mining in their research. The guide summarizes the main points in the Hargreaves exception and builds on and links out to professional bodies and information sources to provide librarians and University members with a beginner's guide to first steps in TDM and considerations it is important to make.

The guide provides a means of contacting the University Library to clear any issues that may arise with site access when TDM is performed on publisher content, as appropriate to researchers' rights and needs. As everyone acknowledges, these are still early days in experience with the exception and so the University Library hopes and expects the guide to develop with your feedback and grow to become more useful over time. Just now the emphasis of the guide is more on the side of supply of library provided content for mining, and how the University Library can help with that. In the University the Research Data Management website and the Office of Scholarly Communication have the expertise to support researchers more broadly in their wider remits and maintain resources to support every stage of a research project.


Further information and training resources for TDM

Please see OpenMinted.