On this page:


Why do I have to make my data open?

Many research funders (research councils, charities, foundations) believe that publicly funded research data are a public good, and should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible. Funders have their individual data policies, which provide beneficiaries with instructions on how to treat research data.

Some funders require researchers to include a statement in their publications describing how to access the underlying research data (or a statement explaining any restrictions). Funders have also introduced policies on research data management, and require data management plans as part of funding applications. You may be expected to upload your data to a funder- or subject-specific repository, or to your institutional one. Find out more about the repositories available here.

Find out what your funder requires regarding research data management on the Research Data website here: https://www.data.cam.ac.uk/funders.


How to upload your data to the University repository, Apollo

Please check if/ where your funder requires you to upload your data. If they are happy for you to do so, you can upload your data to the University of Cambridge institutional repository, Apollo, as follows:

A. Login to your account (using your Raven password) on Symplectic Elements at: https://elements.admin.cam.ac.uk/login.html.

B. Select Accepted for Publication? (in red at top right of screen) and follow the directions.


How do I make my data open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable)?

Use open data standards and identifiers such as those described by the CCDC (Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre) in this presentation.

See our website on converting your data into open formats.


Busting the myths on data sharing

This Wellcome Open Research blog post breaks down the myths and truths of data sharing and covers all angles on the forms and types that data exists as; shows you that help is available and who you can turn to for information and guidance; and how data sharing actually establishes and confirms ownership of your data via authorship.


Further information

The Research Data team handles all research data queries. The team has prepared comprehensive guidance to help you plan, create, organise, share, and look after your research materials. They also deliver regular training sessions and workshops on research data management in locations around the University, and can provide one-to-one training and consultancy. Their contact email is info@data.cam.ac.uk, and their website is https://www.data.cam.ac.uk/.

Members of staff from the University's Office of Scholarly Communication gave a presentation on 'Sharing your research' (covering both open access and open data) on 19th April 2016.

Have a look at our Open Data FAQs for chemists website to find answers to common questions that have been raised by members of the Department of Chemistry.

The Managing Data LibGuide is an online, interactive resource which outlines the basis of Research Data Management (RDM). Learners can work through the whole resource in sequence or just dip into individual units as they need to.

Our Chemistry Data Champions might be able to help.


Open research at the University


Research Support Handy Guides

These have been produced by the University's Office of Scholarly Communication and are available for free here. They cover publication, data management, open access, copyright, metrics, and promoting research.