The University's copyright licence

The University holds a Higher Education licence with The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd (CLA) that, subject to terms and conditions, permits the copying and re-use of extracts of text and still images from printed books, journals and magazines, and from digital publications (including websites that are free-to-view but not free-to-copy). The licence covers copying and scanning for your personal, non-commercial research only.

You may copy two whole articles from a journal issue (this is an increase from the previous licence term), one whole chapter from a book, one whole paper from a set of conference proceedings, or 10% of the total publication, whichever is the greater. Please see these User Guidlines from the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) which refer to the University's CLA HE licence. 

There is extra provision under this licence for the copying of material for the purposes of teaching, for example for making copies of material for every student enrolled on a course and posting them on Moodle, as well as using copyright material in exams and Powerpoint presentations.

The licence does not cover electronic resources where copying is governed by their terms and conditions, and which are also purchased with licences that only permit personal and not-for-profit use.


Where to go for help and advice

The University's Legal Services Office handles copyright compliance. It provides comprehensive guidance in the form of Information Sheets, Forms & Agreements, and FAQs.

Please take a look at the Cambridge Libraries LibGuides for further guidance. There are guides on Copyright for Students, Copyright for Researchers, and Copyright for Lecturers, Instructors and Teaching Staff.