Data Champions are local experts on research data management and sharing who can provide advice and training within their departments. The Champions can answer discipline-specific questions and are happy to speak at local meetings/deliver training/provide information about research data.
There are currently two people from the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry who have volunteered to be Data Champions:
Roberto Canales (expertise in experimental design, cheminformatics, mass spectronomy data)
Alex Thom (expertise in electronic structure data sets, Git (Hub&Lab) and other version control, large-scale coding (python, FORTRAN, C(++))
Please see this list of Data Champions across the university to view their profiles and find out more about the Data Champions programme. Also listed there are representatives of various professional services who can provide advice on specific issues.
Use the #datachampcam hashtag on Twitter to see what we and all the other Data Champions get up to!
The Chemistry Data Champions are working together on various projects. Please see the following web pages for information about our activities:
We would really like to find out if there are any gaps in knowledge in the Department regarding any aspect of data management that can be addressed by us in some way. Please let us know at or pop in to the Library Office.
Want to learn more about managing your data? Try the Managing Data LibGuide. See also the Chemistry Library Open Data website.
Chemistry Data Champion alumni