Please send your enquiries, and your comments on the library service, to us using the contacts below.

If you are a current member of the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry and would like to recommend a resource for purchase by the Chemistry Library please see the Recommend a resource page.


Staff contacts

Mrs Sara Wallace, MSc (Librarian)

Dr Megan Holman, PhD (Library Assistant)




Online feedback board



01223 (3)36329


Postal address

University of Cambridge

Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry Library

Lensfield Road

Cambridge CB2 1EW



The library is situated on the first floor of the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, Centre for Molecular Informatics (CMI) building. Entry is through the main departmental entrance on Lensfield Road, via pre-validated Mifare card only. Please see here for more information on how to access the library.

Please see here for directions to the Department.


Accessibility information

Please visit our Library space and how to access it web page for accessibility information about the library. This page is part of our Assistive resources website which provides a guide to our library space and what to expect. 


Representation on the Committee for the Library and Scholarly Communication

You can also contact your representative on the Committee for the Library and Scholarly Communication.