We have created this guide to help users find books in the Main, Blue Book, and Reference collections.
On this page:
- Main collection
- Blue Book collection
- Book classification scheme
- Reference collection
- Series and periodicals
- Basement store
- Library space
- SpaceFinder
Main collection
The main collection consists of books that are for four week loan. This collection is shelved on the wall along the left-hand side of the library and continues on the reverse side of the periodical display to about halfway. A maximum of ten books from this collection can be borrowed at any one time.
Blue Book collection
This collection includes high-demand undergraduate texts. It is shelved separately in Series Unit 17 on the right-hand side of the library.
Books marked in the catalogue as 'Blue Book - Reference only' are for use in the library only and may not be borrowed.
Books marked 'Blue Book - Short loan' may be borrowed for 3 days only. They may not be renewed, reserved or recalled. A maximum of 2 books from this collection can be borrowed at any time.
Please see the Course Guides for a list of the recommended reading for NST Chemistry courses.
Book classification scheme
This describes how all our books are arranged on the shelves, in subject order.
Reference collection
This collection consists of general reference works which are shelved after the main collection on the reverse side of the periodical display. They may not be borrowed.
Series and periodicals
The periodicals shelves hold bound journal volumes. The latest printed issues of these journals are displayed on the periodical display shelves.
The series shelves hold chemical abstracts and series monographs (e.g. conference proceedings). These can be borrowed but may require processing by library staff before you will be able to do so.
They are all shelved alphabetically by title.
Basement store
Some lesser used books and older periodicals are shelved in the library's basement store and must be requested from a member of library staff. Items stored in the basement can usually be borrowed.
Library space
Please watch our Virtual tour of the library to get an idea of how the library space looks and feels.
Visit our Assistive resources web page details of the many assistive resources and services available to anyone wanting to use the Chemistry Library.
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