The Library is one of our most valuable assets. It provides the materials and the quiet environment needed for scholarly work. Please respect the library by following these rules:

  • It is forbidden to bring food into the Library.

  • Drinks (hot or cold) can be brought in to the Library but only if they are in a sealed, spill-proof container such as a sports bottle, travel mug or keep cup.

  • Mobile phones must be switched to 'silent' mode.

  • Conversations on mobile phones must be held outside of the Library.

  • The rule of silence must be respected and antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated. Offenders will be required to leave, and repeat offenders will be banned indefinitely from using the Library.

  • All books and periodicals must be returned to the shelves after use.

  • All items on loan to borrowers should be returned to the Library before leaving the University.

Committee for the Library and Scholarly Communication
rev. February 2022