Finding scientific literature and chemical information available on databases

There is a wide range of databases available to you, that either the University has subscribed to, or that are publicly available. They provide access to bibliographic information (citations, abstracts, and full-text of journal articles and other scientific literature) as well as chemical information, and they sometimes overlap.


Chemistry Library list of useful databases

Here is a handy table outlining the most popular and useful databases for chemistry and related topics.


More database information

See also this Chemical Data guide.

See the Cambridge LibGuides A-Z Databases list for other chemistry related databases e.g. in the disciplines of biology, clinical medicine, earth sciences, engineering, genetics, materials science and metallurgy, physics, plant sciences, psychology, veterinary medicine. Select the subject you want from the 'All subjects' button which gives you a drop-down list.

Visit the Search strategies page for more information on how to make the most of these databases, as well as search engines.

Visit the Keeping up to date with the latest research page for further information on setting up alerts for example when new literature has been published, according to your specific criteria. Also find out more about mobile device apps.

See our blog and Twitter account for the latest news on databases subscribed to by the University.


ChemDraw and ChemOffice

ChemDraw, which can be used to draw chemical structures when searching for them on some of these databases, is available to download for free for members of the University.